
There are two steps to publishing in the Image Annotation Workbench. First, publish the Image Set. Then, publish individual Annotation Sets so they can be seen on the public Image Set.

Publish an Image Set#

You can only publish Image Sets that you have created yourself.

  1. Click the three dots next to the Image Set you want to publish.

  2. Click Publish.

  3. Press Yes in the popup if you want to proceed.

Your Image Set can now be shared with others via the Public URL. To find this, press the three dots again and press Public URL.

You can also press Unpublish at any time.

Publish Annotation Sets#

You can only publish Annotation Sets that you have created yourself.

  1. Click the three dots next to the Image Set you want to publish annotations for.

  2. Click Annotate.

  3. Next to the Annotation Set you want to publish, press the Publish button.

  4. Press Yes in the popup if you want to proceed.

Your Annotation Set can now be seen on the Image Set via the Public URL.