
A Concordance is a speedy and intuitive way of understanding how a particular word is being used in a Text. It provides a listing for all the occurrences of a target word together with the words occurring immediately before and after each instance.

An example of how you might use a Concordance is to map the occurrence of the word “think” in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. You could analyse the context of “think” throughout the play by looking at the words that occur before and after it.

Platform Process#

  1. From the home page, select Concordance.

  2. Choose a Text.

  3. Enter Words to search for.

  4. Use the sliders to set the number of words to show before and after the searched words.

  5. Click Show results.

You’ll see the results on the right. You can copy the data to your clipboard or export it as an .xlsx or .zip file.

API Process#